Mon. Feb 10th, 2025
Social Media For Business (5) - Did SMM Gave SEO a "Makeover"? You Bet! What's in It For You?

The rise of social media resulted in a variety of modifications to the internet marketing. The focus of e-marketers has changed not on optimizing one site and building backlinks to the new guidelines of social media: engagement and content optimization.

In the last couple of years, it has become crystal obvious the fact that Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a revolutionary relationship-based school of marketing, gave SEO (SEO) the “MakeOver”. That’s right, SEO and SMM became too closely linked that it’s become very difficult to obtain any kind of tangible success for key keywords without the inclusion of social media.

Of course, we’re not saying that Web optimization of pages and inbound links aren’t essential. But they aren’t sufficient any longer. How can you successfully adjust to these changes?

If you are thinking SEO, think SMM. When you think of SMM, you should consider SEO!

Every attempt to get positive search results and top page rankings for your primary site must be accompanied with an effective strategy for optimizing your web presence by the application of social media.

If, for instance, you are looking to increase the number of backlinks for your website The best way to do this is to use the most popular social media platforms and create profiles with keywords that connect to your site.

In contrast, if you’re simply tweeting unrelated thoughts or ideas, you can still hyperlink to your website or include a keyword relevant in your tweet.

The most important thing is that you should consider SMM as well as SEO as two different sides of the same coin , and utilize each one for the benefit of each other. This is the new rule of the game, and you need to learn these two to be successful.

So far so good! How can you do it Right?

You need to have a clear understanding of your SMM/SEO objectives

A blog that is linked with your Facebook and Twitter accounts is not a good idea.

YouTube is a fantastic attraction to traffic. Make use of it to display reviews from customers or provide impressive videos that will entice your audience.

Create quality press releases and send them to EzineArticles and PitchEngine.

Make sure your brand is optimized cheapest smm panel through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Maps and others

Write positive reviews for sites like Yelp, Google Maps, and Insider Pages

Include hyperlinks on your personal social media accounts in your newsletters

The list could continue for a long time. It’s time to end here!

If you think this is an overwhelming task take it in stages or delegate other people to do it. You can also be more efficient and less time-consuming by using social media prescheduling tools like Whatever you decide to do, remember that if you don’t active in all these areas at the same time your chances are low to have a successful web presence. Best of luck!

By admin